Spotswood Median PriceThe House price is 2% lower than last year. Search Spotswood sold pricesSpotswood Median RentThe House rent is 33% higher than last year.
| School Comment | Spotswood Primary is one of 18 schools in the Hobson’s Bay network of schools in the Western Metropolitan Region of Melbourne. It is situated on Melbourne Road, Spotswood within the northern boundary of the City of Hobsons Bay. Our school has a P-6 enrol... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 492 | 435 | 432 | 545 | 494 | 44 | Year 5 | 478 | 487 | 449 | 470 | 465 | 1333 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 30 Jul 2018, Rate: poor | A good coffee club for the Mums. Teachers don't work hard and cover bullying up. Poor communication with the parents | | By Parent - 09 Jun 2018, Rate: bad | this school needs help i got my kid wanting to not go because she had no fiends | | By Parent - 31 May 2018, Rate: average | There is a disproportionate amount of bullying at this school as well as a disproportionate amount of kids with Autism. Being a small school you would expect a low amount of bullying however this is not the case. The teachers lack the training to deal with bullying, and often the ASD kids are dealt with harshly, due to the lack of insight of the principal, who is all about charm and manners. I feel so sorry for the kids at this school, there is no support for them, old school teachers stuck in outdated teaching methods ( what would you expect when there is no teacher training required). And I feel for the teachers who are given a difficult task of classes full of ASD kids, behavioral problems, with little support or intervention in place. The new Vice Principal is just what the school needed, she has some educational insight, and is more motivated than the outdated principal. There poor NAPLAN results are a reflection of their lack of intervention, I know of a Year 5 child who can't read or write, yet they fail to take action. How does a child get to Year 5 illiterate, and nothing is said or done? The positives are the small community feel and lovely grounds, which has been the Principal's main focus. | | >>More reviews... |
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