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Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School, Keilor East

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School Reviews
By Parent - 26 Mar 2024, Rate: bad
Do not send your kids to this school! Get them tutoring and spend your money on family holidays. Like a bad apple that looks good on the outside.
By Parent - 26 Mar 2024, Rate: excellent
Was never compelled to write a review till now. How mad and let down we feel as parents wasting hard earned money on this BS of a school. The high school is one massive joke. Raising fees and not matching quality education. Make no mistake this is just about profit and not education newcomers. If you’re kids are going to make it, it won’t be because of a prestige school that gives ten minute parent interviews. We are not Karens. We are successful parents that have come from extremely poor backgrounds thinking PEGs was about academics and excellence. No the academics are the kids and parents that get completely side swiped by more care put on grass trimming and flashy facilities. All we have is an enormous school fee bill we can’t seem to justify. What makes it worse are the ladies who hound for a small outstanding fee, after years of always paying. Then to be threatened with a late payment fee given the times is just infuriating. How bout you give us a credit for literally homeschooling our kids during Covid for almost two years whilst holding full time jobs. We like all parents were so proud and happy for our kids, till we realised we did them an injustice sending them to PEGS who just churns them as cash cows. So on top of the fees, we now are doing what we didn’t want to do which is tutoring. Parents please reconsider and put you trust and money to a more deserving school if it’s success you’re after for your kids. Your child is better off getting more attention elsewhere. You can put your money towards tutoring. Some kids at PEGs are privileged but the majority are from middle class families. We really have been stuffed by this school and it’s even worse when you have invested in junior school to get to high school feeling completely let down. Then there’s the anger around having invested all this time and money to jeopardise your child’s well-being by uprooting them to an unknown school environment. *very angry and disappointed PEGS parents.
By Student - 04 Nov 2023, Rate: bad
Do not come to this school!! Some of the teachers are so stupid like ms hill the trunchball . I am a year 10 student here and have been here since year 7. Year 7 was pretty average with the transitioning but then we had online learning and had to look at our screens for 6 hours + while our parents paid more then 25,000 dollars for us to get our education. I personally hardly learnt anything because I couldnt really ask for help and I dont work well on the screen. Same thing happened in year 8 too so my parents wasted more then 50,000 dollars for me listening to droning teachers through an ipad screen who didnt help with the work.
In year 9 thank goodness there was no online learning that was so good but honestly it still wasnt worth the money. My teachers were pretty shit. And in year 10, this year, its even worse because I dont understand the work and they refuse to help me because they only like the smart kids.
Do not come to this school!!
By Employee - 04 Nov 2023, Rate: poor
I work at this school and its so bad you think its good because you get paid more then state schools but its really bad the other teachers are so stupid they always believe the stuff they want to hear not what they dont want to here and they dont listen to the students except if their a nerd or a snitch. They pretend that they care about the students but they really don’t. I personally care about my students but the majority of the teachers here don’t. If you are a parent considering sending your child here, think again.
By Parent - 02 Nov 2023, Rate: poor
Bullying / violence is a huge issue at this school. The high student numbers also mean that students that are not averaging A's don't get much of a teaching experience - just another number. It also seems the boys classes are very rowdy and teachers seem to struggle to control the class and spend time actually teaching.
By Employee - 23 Jul 2023, Rate: bad
Teacher morale was the worst of any school I've ever worked at in 20 years. It was full of cliques, only a lower rung teachers had your back. Leading teachers were awful and bullied and spied on you. When parents became abusive, the school did Nothing!!! I was openly attacked by a pair of Karen's at parent teacher interviews, everyone just sat there and let it happen. It was a disgusting place. Please, I urge any teacher thinking of working here to think about your mental well being over a few extra dollars more than other schools. It was not worth the extra time doing school sports on Saturdays. Omg, please save yourselves from this nightmare college!!!!
By Student - 16 Jun 2023, Rate: good
School generally speaking is very good in an academic and Co-curricular sense. Counsellors are amazing. However they need a better response to bullying
By Alumnus - 31 Jan 2023, Rate: bad
This was my life's worst experience. Very cliquely and bullying if you weren't associated with a group. Teachers did not seem to care about student welfare or their academic growth. With the money spent you'd expect teacher/student attention. Class sizes were on average 20ish students. Forget it if you did not understand anything, you were pushed aside.
Looking at the kids who are now grown and most (75%+) in my opnion have done no better than if they went to the local HS down the road. Haven't seen anyone of note coming out of this school in a very long time.
Save your pennies, this school is nothing but a business.
By Alumnus - 16 Dec 2022, Rate: excellent
I can’t wait to come to this school and I’m so excited
By Employee - 16 Dec 2022, Rate: bad
I worked at PEGS for 13 years. The Director of Music and his sidekick at the time were appalling human beings.
Totally unacceptable and unprofessional people.
By Employee - 07 Dec 2022, Rate: poor
i’m struggling with dealing with mrs bilewicz who bosses the teachers a lot and mr watson who iss very demanding
By Parent - 02 Dec 2022, Rate: poor
the teachers are Karens wwho boss around teachers and kids
Pegs is not a nice place for kids
By Parent - 30 Nov 2022, Rate: excellent
My daughter has thrived at this school, I rate the leadership and the teaching staff highly. If you think the education system is a even playing field then think again. The opportunities to learn and grow into high functioning adults increases significantly when attending a school like PEGS.
By Employee - 07 Nov 2022, Rate: poor
there is serious safety concerns which kate dullard is ignoring
By Employee - 22 Oct 2022, Rate: poor
All staff cannot take it anymore stop removing bad reviews
By Parent - 30 Aug 2022, Rate: excellent
this school is horrid!! the staff room smells like poo poo!! hehe!! but i love shannon o brian! best IT GUY ever!!!! he is so silly and sussy. i love it when he shimmies. he swept me off my feet and we danced into the night looking into each others eyes as we giggled miraculously about anthony simmons and how sussy he is.
By Parent - 15 Jun 2022, Rate: excellent
I went to Essendon Grammar in the 1980' those days it was a very good school,particularly with math and science, with affordable fees. Nowadays it seems its dropped down a little and the fees have gone through the roof.
By Parent - 30 Apr 2022, Rate: poor
It’s a rip off, not worth a cent.
By Student - 30 Apr 2022, Rate: bad
I am a Year 10 student at PEGS
What a joke of a school
I came with a scholarship and PEGS has failed in so many ways. Shame on PEGS
By Alumnus - 05 Mar 2022, Rate: excellent
First off toodles to "By Student - 26 Feb 2021, Rate: good" their review was pretty spot on. ROFL re the eshay jocks.
Literally only decent private school in the north, there isn't that snobby private school culture like you have in the south east.
Very little bullying, like the ones who get bullied obviously come and complain on here - but the bullies we had in our level were nothing like the ones you see on TV, just a bit of push and shove and jokes with the boys. I was lucky as the pecking order, we were well down the line as there were just a few kids who just asked to press the trigger to get bullied. There will be a lot more bullying in the workplace/life.
Overall it's a very well rounded school, YES, saturday sport is compulsory at MOST PRIVATE SCHOOLS. YES, YOU HAVE TO wear a uniform so that you don't look like trash.
Only thing you need to watch out for now is that Larkin is gone, the guy ran a tight ship, regardless of what the other parents complain on here. From what I hear the new lady isn't very sharp and gives really average kids scholarships, good luck to those dwindling 99.95s in a few years time. Most likely they will replace her though.
By Parent - 05 Feb 2022, Rate: bad
Two students were positive for COVID-19 at the Larkin Centre when onsite yesterday.
Date positive reported: Wednesday 2 February, Friday 4 February
“staff will continue to guide, encourage and affirm the adoption of personal hygiene and social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.” A complete lie, NO sanitiser available
By Employee - 11 Jan 2022, Rate: average
I worked at PEGS and my 23 years experienced is nothing short than to say; It’s an appalling school.
By Employee - 02 Jan 2022, Rate: bad
I worked at PEGS and my 23 years experienced is nothing short than to say; It’s a horrendous school.
By Employee - 02 Jan 2022, Rate: poor
I worked at PEGS and my 23 years experienced was horrible; It’s a shockingly bad school.
By Employee - 15 Dec 2021, Rate: excellent
I worked at PEGS and my 23 years experienced is nothing short than to say; It’s an excellent school.
By Employee - 07 Dec 2021, Rate: poor
Never taught in a school with such bad-behaved and below-average kids. Would not recommend any teacher to teach here.
By Parent - 06 Dec 2021, Rate: poor
Days are spent wasting time in classrooms taught by mediocre teachers.
By Parent - 06 Dec 2021, Rate: bad
While this school prides itself on it’s $25 million dollar facilities, it simply falls short in fostering students’ wellbeing and educational progress. The school has deviously embezzled Jobkeeper funds in the interests of ‘supporting families’, but instead replaced remote learning with cancelled lessons, incapable teachers, and inadequate teaching. Unfortunately, the schools caters to the average standards, simply failing to embrace improvement in their impaired system. The lackadaisical Mr Watson is at the forefront of this school which simply advertises by grandiose ovals which students are restricted from using. Students are pressured to compulsory sports, which amount to stress and no recognition. Even more disappointing is the awards system which seems to randomly select candidates for school colours. Recent years have shown many lower than average students awarded these ‘prestigious’ awards. This is ultimately disappointing, and the school must accept their flaws.
By Student - 04 Dec 2021, Rate: poor
I am a year nine student at pegs. For $25K+, it is not even close to being worth it. Teachers and the school board do not care about students' wellbeing as long as they get what they need. I used to go to a private school before I came here. In my opinion, it is worth for what it costs. The fees are a headache especially during the extended lockdowns. 25K for watching a screen for 6 hours, ludicrous. The teacher's are not compassionate here either, at least from my experience. It is apparent that they do not like students who ask too many questions here. Four of my teacher's ent on maternal leave, giving my class and I a tedious time with our substitute teachers. Overall, very poor. Unless you get a scholarship, do not go.
By Student - 20 Oct 2021, Rate: excellent
The camp at pegs is INCREDIBLE. Absolutely wild. 10/10 would recommend. Most life changing experience, if you are looking for reverse conversion therapy then this is the place for you. #Livingeveryteenageboysfantasy #lezbehonest
By Student - 05 Mar 2021, Rate: excellent
Pre good got that 90+ atar guarantee
By Student - 26 Feb 2021, Rate: good
Teachers are good, if not that special brand of ‘Karen’-like entitled that you’ll often find in private school teachers who get a bit too comfortable bossing around rich kids and moaning about girls not tying up their hair. Uniform policy is strict, no extra piercings or hair dye or even the wrong type of socks but it’s easy to stick to if you’re not trying to roll up your dress to your chest or dye your hair pink to look like an egirl. Extracurricular activities are… flawed; students are forced to do a sport, which means early Saturday mornings with bleary-eyed kids being loaded onto a bus and forced to play sports matches with middling athletic skills. Kids mind their business, very much clique-y and you’ll never have an issue so long as you don’t check their Snapchat stories— none of that lunch money stealing, slamming into lockers type deal. Bit of a case of rich kids who think they’ve got it rough because their parents want them to have a tutor or not sneak out to parties. Standard fare is really just finding a few classmates you like, picking a spot on the grounds to sit, and promptly avoiding everyone else. Can’t speak on what the boys are like, except that they seem to come in three categories— nerd, theatre gay, or eshay footy jock, like some kind of mediocre build-a-boy catalogue pick. The relationships between upper- and under-classmen is colder than ice— don’t expect a Year 10 to help out a Year 7, nor a Year 7 to act like a Year 10 is anything but some kind of plaguebearer by the way they avoid them. If your kid’s dumb, they’ll probably be mediocre here— seems even the dumb ones can shine bright, which I’ll mark as a positive— but if you’ve got a smart kid, just sit the test for MacRob or something.
By Alumnus - 17 Sep 2020, Rate: poor
From my experience, this school had major problems dealing with students who were experiencing mental illness. This was whilst Larkin was principle, hopefully Dullard is more compassionate to students who are struggling.
By Student - 20 Jul 2020, Rate: bad
this schools very bad everyone here’s a slut of an eshay or if not then their a horse girl or a downball kid
By Student - 12 Jun 2020, Rate: bad
I go here - teachers are very bad, we ask them a question and they tell us to "figure it out ourselves" even when we are tried for tedious amounts of times.
By Student - 23 Apr 2020, Rate: excellent
Cannot fault the teachers, the resources, the standards & the facilities.Bullying was never an issue as teachers were prompt on bad behaviour. I was never a high achieving student, no scholarship and my parents didn't go to university, but this school taught me many values that I would have never learnt compared to friends and family who went to other schools.
By Alumnus - 08 Nov 2019, Rate: average
PEGS is only getting high rankings due to scholarship students. If you want to spend tens of thousands of dollars to be taught by mediocre teachers send your kids here.
By Student - 22 Oct 2019, Rate: poor
At this school if you don’t have a scholarship you’re pretty much rendered useless to them. The staff think they can control the students and get mad over every little thing they do. If a student arrives to class 2 minutes late, the teacher will give them a spray. But if the teacher arrives 10 minutes late, there’s no problem and we have to carry on like nothing happened. The actual education itself is nothing special if one day you don’t bring your iPad because you broke it or simply forgot it you can’t do anything because these clowns think that it’s smart to have every single book inside a device instead of hard copy. The only good thing about this school is the facilities like yeah the canteen and gym and all that are pretty good I think it’s nice that we have access to this stuff but if you’re not good academically you’re nothing to them, even if your main focus for life is sport. And let’s not forget the ‘Growth Mindset’ program rubbish they gave to us. This school says that they encourage creative thinking, but I don’t think telling kids what mindset they should have and what they should be thinking in their approach to their studies and real life really encourages ‘creative thinking’. They tell you what to think and if you don’t listen to them, get in the bin. Because at this school the scores are the only thing that matter. If your scores are not good enough for them they kick you out without looking back.
By Student - 18 Aug 2019, Rate: excellent
its pretty good
there's stuff to do even if you aren't a academic nerd
very cool
see ya mr larkin, legend
By Student - 01 Aug 2019, Rate: bad
they dont even mix the boys and girls like how gay can you get
By Student - 03 Jan 2019, Rate: bad
teachers are pretty clueless but a few are funny. Shoutout to Ms Malik’s blue hair.
By Employee - 13 Sep 2016, Rate: excellent
Anything4Views is gonna raid your skool
By Parent - 23 May 2016, Rate: bad
there are, serious bullying problems this school
By Parent - 13 Dec 2015, Rate: average
Moving my child out. Scholarship children are the main focus. Teaching is via ipad while teachers sit in the class playing with phone. Mr Larkins is am illiterate fool who has heard many parents complain and done nothing.
By Alumnus - 20 Jul 2015, Rate: bad
Hey. It's not my children, but my younger cousins. I don't have kids yet, but I wouldn't ever send them to a private school. Werribee SC and Williamstown HS are much better western suburb based options in my view.
By Parent - 16 Jul 2015, Rate: excellent
Hi Alumnus.
I am wondering why your children are still staying from 2011 until now if this school as you rated from average to bad?
By Alumnus - 30 Jun 2015, Rate: bad
Unfortunately, I have to agree with the assessment above. Bullying was rife at the school, and still continues today from what I hear. The staff did next to nothing about it.
I would have been much better off going to a state school.
By Alumnus - 12 Mar 2011, Rate: average
Unfortunately, my days at this school were plagued with many schoolyard fights, and sources within the school tell me this is still the case. I left here in 2009 as bullying (both verbal and physical) had become too much to handle, and the school's approach to dealing with this was contradictory to what my parents were being told.
I'm , rate this school

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