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2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
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Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta, Parramatta

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School Reviews
By Student - 18 Dec 2022, Rate: bad
I am an ex-student of Olmc and I would not recommend it at all. First off, A LOT of the teachers actually have no idea how to teach and tend to turn to stuff like youtube videos to teach their lessons for them. These videos are sometimes confusing and there has been many times where I have struggled to understand the content because of this. Due to this, I found studying for tests a lot harder especially with useless teachers. Along with this, a lot of my teachers were swapped out during the year making it very inconsistent which effected my grades. I had my PE teacher teaching my geography glass and had many different math and religion teachers throughout the year. The school is also very focused on well-being crap and ‘mindfulness’ which takes up an entire period every tuesday. I do not have anything against teachers preaching well-being to students however they do it in such an invaluable way that the entire class just sits and talks the whole time ignoring the teacher. So basically every tuesday is a free period. Also, the laptops are absaloutely crap as after about 6 months one of my keys fell out and the touchpad stops working, so did the touch screen. Because of this, completing my work was very difficult and I had to give my laptop to the IT office the week of a test making studying so hard. The price of this school is very high and definelty not worth the quality.
By Employee - 18 May 2022, Rate: average
i like the free snacks at tea time
By Parent - 18 May 2022, Rate: poor
pretty good the classrooms smell
By Parent - 31 Mar 2022, Rate: bad
Kids got school bully at all time.
By Employee - 07 Feb 2022, Rate: bad
Olmc will bust your parents bank and leave you homeless.
By Parent - 24 Jan 2022, Rate: bad
kids get bodyshamed and bullied.
By Student - 09 Jan 2022, Rate: good
too cool for school
By Student - 31 May 2021, Rate: excellent
Needs more sport periods also. In sport we just sit and stretch and do nothing
By Student - 31 May 2021, Rate: bad
Hi! This is a review from a previous Year 7 student. This school loves to exaggerate ‘mercy girls’ because when I came there, excited to start a new beginning, all the girls had friend groups and when I try to strike conversations, they easily shut me out. Most (all) girls there a heavy TikTok influencers and probably stick with each other for fame, not friendship. The teachers usually focus on strong students who probably go tutoring and although i get tutored, I always think about the kids who learn off school because I find their teaching very monotoned and broad. (Special shout out to Miss Danielle Simpson for making me feel worse) and I witnessed a brown-haired girl getting bullied by I think Year 9’s? I stepped in to help out but they shoved me to the ground, and having the on-duty teachers stand there, they pretended not to see and did absolutely n o t h i n g. (Luckily I came back home with nothing but a bruise on my knee). I have transferred schools and suggest not wasting approx. 15k a year to go to this non-academical school. Take my advice.
By Student - 13 May 2021, Rate: average
The school is fine I guess. It should focus more on sports - we only have one period a week where we can do sport for PDHPE, if you don't choose it as an elective. Lots of opportunities to participate in extra-curriculars. My grade has many cliques, not exactly steroetypical ones, but I'm not going to name them all here. More electives should be provided. Some teachers know the content, but can't teach us to us properly.
By Parent - 04 Apr 2021, Rate: bad
my child has attended this school only recently. every day she gets bullied for her body. this would ruin their mental health. do you want that at your school? no. so I suggest you educate your students. my child has been bullied 3 times in only a term! tell your students what bullying can do and the results of it.
By Parent - 04 Apr 2021, Rate: poor
this school is sickning.. my daughter who is fresh to the school is getting bullied. shes in year 7, shes been bodied shamed 3 times. shes 12 im hurt and discusted. please solve this instantly. check up on your kids.
By Parent - 01 Feb 2021, Rate: excellent
a teacher called miss rug screamed ta my child
By Parent - 09 Nov 2020, Rate: excellent
Hello everyone! Today I’m here to write a review and convince some of you to send your daughter to OLMC. OLMC is a school that provides nice and merciful girls who are respectful, cooperative and responsible. Currently, my daughter is going there and,yes, there are a FEW ups and downs like , some teachers can be a bit rude but honestly I knew it was coming. Some of the reviews I read on here, people are writing about the policy of not being able to have your phone during class periods but it seems like a good policy so that the girls can’t go on their phones during class. Now to the parents that think a phone is not nesessary, it is! But that’s all I’m going to write right now, hope you are convinced to send your child there!
By Student - 06 Nov 2020, Rate: excellent
This school is an amazing school as it doesn’t just teach the usual subjects but it also helps with metal well being. I know that SOME people can’t face that there are no phones allowed during classes, but it’s for our own good!! I definitely recommend this school!!
By Student - 14 Aug 2020, Rate: poor
One of the major problems I've noticed that hasn't been said in the reviews, is a big reluctance to teach or assist in mental health. We did a mental health unit in pdh, and they did not once teach about depression or any other mental problems, instead only focusing on stress. Even then they never even acknowledged the fact that school is the main cause of this stress. They seem to be so afraid to mention the words, because if they do then suddenly they're going to have to acknowledge everyone's problems. The school counselors aren't much of a help. The advice they give is bad and they still everything you say to your teachers. Not very good about being secretive because you can hear the counsellors gossiping while you wait for a session. A lot of the voting for leadership is pretty pointless too, they never tell you about the person your voting for you just get a list of random people and most times I just choose at random.
By Parent - 14 Aug 2020, Rate: bad
The school is very discriminating to both students and kpop stans. When my daughter was in the school, her teacher made fun of her for liking kpop and it ruined her self esteem. I suggest going to a public school. At least the teachers don't harass you for things like that (from her experience as i changed her school). The other students bully each other and the school doesn't educate the students well about mental health. For RUOK day all they did was an assembly and didn't do activities and things to properly educate them like other schools do. This school is very disappointing and I think every future high school student deserve better.
By Parent - 14 Aug 2020, Rate: average
this school needs better principals
By Parent - 14 Aug 2020, Rate: excellent
There's this one particular teacher called Ms Rugg and all she does is attack students because she enjoys. This school is very merciless.
By Parent - 14 Aug 2020, Rate: bad
Our Lady of Merciless College will not be the college for my next daughter to attend. The students here have tainted the school’s reputation like this particular student called, “Lil Tr33zy”. The girls here are definitely NOT mercy girls and they should be taken out of this school immediately. The HSC results for this school dropped drastically, this is a sign that this school does not teach the students properly and should have better facilities for these students rather than charging their parents with an exorbitant amount of money. They are ripping us parents off!! Do NOT send your daughter here, she will not enjoy this school!!
By Student - 09 Mar 2020, Rate: excellent
Hi I’m a student who goes to OLMC., and I honestly think that these people are angry at this school just because of the mobile phone policy. The policy actually helps students actually LEARN than so social media, games etc. So, they actually care about your education. OLMC is a great
By Student - 20 Feb 2020, Rate: poor
This school is where individuality comes to die. We can barely get the chance to express ourselves even in CAPA subjects and the voting for leaderships are completely popularity based. Bullying is terrible and they do not handle it well, plus mental health is considered second by many teachers too. Not all the teachers are bad but there are quite a few that are stubborn or just waste time talking about their personal life. The pricing is too much for what you get, so i suggest Cathryn Mcauley as a better option for your girls.
By Student - 20 Jan 2020, Rate: bad
There were many instances where you get your marks and feedback back from the teacher and how they mark it is honestly unfair. There was one instance where my assessment was marked first so they had a higher expectation of the students but then when they saw what level they were at they marked higher for the other students and I ended up with a very poorly mark. They say oh feel free to ask the teacher why you're not happy with your mark at lunch or recess. Students that do go, markers even agree that the students marks should be higher and then proceed to say oh sorry we can't do anything about it because the mark has already been graded into the system. Can I also just mention that receiving most assessments take weeks or even by the next term? Most times I forget that assessment every existed.
By Student - 20 Jan 2020, Rate: bad
At the beginning of the year we had 201 year 7 students, we were the first year that OLMC accepted that many students and guess what? In 2019 its already dropped to around 80 students left in the year. Why? Because the new teachers are bad. All the good teachers are leaving to other schools and OLMC keep hiring new teachers who have no idea what they are doing. Secondly the fees keep on rising and they also sneakily add onto your fees by trying you to join cocurriculars like choir, dance etc. Where you have to pay. The fees also keep rising so they can spend money on making more school facilities and school uniforms (that cost like $600 altogether no joke). Also mind you, majority of the students have tutors and some of the girls in maths always needs to shout out in class saying they know everything and then doesnt even pay attention to what the teacher is saying. Assemblies are also ridiculously long (around 1 hr), mainly due to the principals speech.
By Parent - 19 Jan 2020, Rate: bad
The school just increases the fees every year but no focus on studies.Just a show off and waste money on buildings but not on education.
By Parent - 21 Dec 2019, Rate: average
It is a worry to see the ranking of the school go down so badly this year. There is less focus on critical subjects like Maths and extension subjects. They need to go back to the basics and get their act together.
By Student - 19 Dec 2019, Rate: average
Hey everyone. I'm a student here and I can tell you honestly that OLMC can be a good place at times. Of course there will be hiccups along the way but the education grew dim after many teachers left the school. You only get some good teachers (which are the more experienced ones) and then the new bunch they hire mostly don't teach and are more interested in fostering their own agenda of the "learning intention" instead of actually making understanding and enjoyment the central focus. It is very difficult to learn new content here especially if you do not currently have a tutor. If you're academically inclined, its hard to improve unless you have grit to do it yourself (a personal life lesson) but rest assured no teacher is going to do it for you. Academically, you won't thrive unless you're naturally driven by work ethic and they focus way way way too much on excellence without providing a good mindset and support network for students. In terms of wellbeing, I don't recommend it here. The students can sometimes be quite unfriendly and inconsiderate, there are obviously certain cliques but more times enough, its better to keep your mouth shut than say something and have the whole world against you. OLMC may promise you the world, but trust me, it's all a facade, I work really really hard and yet the teachers still choose to underestimate my ethic consistencies. I just really wish the school focuses more on the student's wellbeing and less on the academic side, developing those soft skills, it is better to be a good person than perform well. It is more important to be well balanced than high achieving, life is so much more than grades. It's incredibly damaging how much pressure is put on students to succeed and how blindsighted the teachers are to when students are struggling. We deserve more than coloured lockers and refurbished buildings, we deserve a community of both students and teachers who are not pretentious and ignorant. As much as I have enjoyed OLMC on the whole, its flaws cannot go unnoticed.
By Student - 16 Oct 2019, Rate: bad
I’m attending this school right now, I suggest you don’t send your child here. This school looks a good way shows they have many facilities to use and good learning but in reality this is not the case the learning is really bad especially for students who struggle with learning, they don’t help at all, they only focus on students who are good already, but most parents would send their child to a good school to get a good education so they can have many good opportunities in the future but at this school it doesn’t seem to go that away. The price of the school is really too high as they only care about your uniform whereas it should be your education, your child should be able to come here no matter there learning capability because they are here to learn. Since coming
from primary school to here I’ve learnt nothing so far And I’ve been here for 3 years and nothing no matter how hard I try and how much I study nothing has changed mainly maths and English are my struggles and I came here to get help but I haven’t progressed at all. In the playground, there is so much bullying which they don’t deal with I mean no matter what school u go to there is going to be bullying but it’s how they deal with it is what matters, they really only care about your uniform more than anything else. Maybe you have heard that this school was good in the past but this is the future now and students at this school really struggle with learning. Another issue is that they’re short on space so they have no room for anything they don’t even have any real grass, usually the students sit under the buildings because there is no space. In the canteen there is mainly no good healthy foods and not a good variety of foods. I really suggest you don’t send you child here it’s a horrible school.
By Student - 16 Oct 2019, Rate: poor
There are better schools in the area that are cheaper than OLMC. For the price you're paying, the opportunities for us are not good enough and you might as well go to a school somewhere else. The teachers, especially the ones of a higher level aren't very supportive of students wellbeing and fun. There are lots of things changing and I don't know if i like it. It may not be the best school, but its also not the worst. Finishing school at 3:20 means I have to either rush for a bus or wait a really long time.
By Student - 16 Jul 2019, Rate: bad
I attended this school and I can say that it is definitely not worth the price you are paying. There is only a few teachers here who actually teach, whereas the others are just rubbish at explaining things and view students very subjectively. They mark assessments very subjectively and give feedbacks that are nonsense and tell you "feel free to ask me for more feedback" in a very fake way. In reality if you go to them to ask for a more reasonable explanation of your feedback they will give you a "go away" face. The academic award system is even more stupid. They give award to a lot of b-c students and ignore the effort of others. They only people who actually deserve those awards is the people who achieve first place in the grade. Due to the school's misunderstanding of the word "outstanding", you are not getting anything if you got an a but not the top of the grade. I don't want to go in detail of the students and Co curriculum since they take minor part in how we should rate a school, but I do have to address that students are disrespectful to each others and teachers which definitely caused a lot of inconvenience for my learning. The Co curriculums are very poor as well. Please don't come to this school since you can't achieve anything here other than wasting money
By Student - 11 Jun 2019, Rate: bad
i hate french
By Student - 20 Mar 2019, Rate: excellent
An awesome school.I love all the oppurtunities they provide!
By Alumnus - 20 Feb 2019, Rate: poor
Honestly, I thought this school was going to be amazing but I was wrong. Academically the school doesn't perform well. They only care about morals and values and focus more on the way students look rather than their academic struggles. Also, I have told my parents that this school does not perform well compared to more affordable public schools and unfortunately they have been so fixated on the fact that it is a catholic private girl school. Therefore, making them believe that it is the "best" school ever when really it is just average and has nothing special about it. Oh and don't get me started on the school bags... and of course the terrible staff. There was only a few good teachers :( The only good thing they do is the overseas trips.
By Parent - 05 Dec 2018, Rate: excellent
This school is wonderful. My daughter is so happy here. The girls are confident and really lovely. The teachers really know their students and there is a great school spirit. Couldn't be happier. We are not Catholic but are very comfortable here and the values they uphold ate reflected in their students. I have not heard of any bullying. In fact I know three girls who came here to get away from bullying environments. It's just not tolerated.
By Student - 03 Feb 2018, Rate: bad
The girls are not studying much, the results and rankings are achieved by the students in scholarship, normal students are performing average. Not all rounder focus as they are only good at girls things like music etc. kids at this age should have a better balance of sports and academics, but becoz it’s a girls school, sports r not performing well.
By Student - 07 Aug 2017, Rate: bad
moved to this school from a public school in QLD when my father got a new job offer in parramatta. Very unwelcoming school, students and teachers treat each other badly. There is a huge issue in the fact that students just sit on their phone in class and do not learn anything. The only way you can succeed in this school is if you are naturally smart or good at music because you learn nothing. The teachers are all average. I am an A-B student and i try my hardest to learn at this school but i can't when all the teachers are rubbish at explaining. The students are very rude and there have been extreme cases of bullying where a few people have ended their lives because of the bullies at the school. However the school does nothing about it. DO NOT COME TO THIS SCHOOL!
By Student - 26 May 2016, Rate: average
To be honest not worth the money you pay. Yes is a good school but you only really benefit from this school if you are very academic or musical. Do not go to this school if you like sport as very little is done and the type of sport they do is activities like Zumba. Most classes are bludges not much is taught and many students just play on their phones and computers without getting in trouble at all.
By Parent - 18 Sep 2015, Rate: excellent
Amazing school!! The Catholic values that the school represents is really reflected in the way the girls present themselves, there are many opportunities and extra curricular subjects available for students to explore and overall just a really friendly environment. Not to mention the excellence of their education system is shown in their HSC ranking!
By Parent - 12 Jan 2015, Rate: excellent
What school do recommend to change I would like to change too
By Parent - 12 Jan 2015, Rate: excellent
What school do recommend to change I would like to change too
By Parent - 12 Jan 2015, Rate: excellent
I think school over rated maybe 20yearsago. Was good but for what
You pay and get is the opposite but some don't care the grades just want to be in with jones
By Parent - 12 Jan 2015, Rate: excellent
I'm a parent that also agree that any little sport that could be done my daughters teacher all last year took vote by students so girls like my daughter miss out cause other student would out vote so no sport which suited teacher but my daughter became 5kilos overweight and little over the teacher
By Parent - 29 Dec 2014, Rate: bad
Terrible the kids barely even do any sport! Teachers are very dis encouraging and mean to students. I'm glad I took my daughter to a different school !
By Student - 27 Oct 2014, Rate: excellent
I think this school is amazing!;)
By Parent - 21 Dec 2012, Rate: excellent
I'm , rate this school

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