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Melbourne Girls' College, Richmond

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School Reviews
By Student - 21 Nov 2023, Rate: bad
The teacher's don't care about the students and only care if you have the right uniform some kids are getting bulled and the teachers do nothing i had a friend that went to the teachers and needed help because she didn't feel save in her class and they just looked at her uniform and said that not the right uniform and gave her a detention like what the hell. there are some teachers that will pick on you and give u a detention for no reason when other students will do the same and they will get a second chance and when it come to the wellbeing they will only check up on you if you are crying but other then that they will just stay in their office and do nothing i have only been here for 2 years almost and hated every second of it
By Parent - 21 Oct 2023, Rate: poor
One bad principal is replaced by a worse one at this once-prestigious school. The sad demise in quality is the unfortunate consequence of leadership with no idea of how to lead. They seem to have forgotten that their purpose is to educate, to provide social and moral guidance and to help steer the ambitions of enthusiastic young women. Instead, they patronise, punish and pander in all the wrong ways and in all the wrong directions for an adolescent population. The most recent principal is the most dubious so far. She is obsequious and spiteful in turns towards students, completely unaware of what standards should comprise in a well-regarded school with a past reputation worth preserving. You can't put the uneducated in charge of educating - it doesn't make any sense. This school has lost sight of its own identity, and, as a result, has lost touch with its once exciting spirit.
By Parent - 18 Oct 2023, Rate: poor
One bad principal is replaced by a worse one at this once-prestigious school. The sad demise in quality is the unfortunate consequence of leadership with no idea of how to lead. They seem to have forgotten that their purpose is to educate, to provide social and moral guidance and to help steer the ambitions of enthusiastic young women. Instead, they patronise, punish and pander in all the wrong ways and in all the wrong directions for an adolescent population. The most recent principal is the most dubious so far. She is obsequious and spiteful in turns towards students, completely unaware of what standards should comprise in a well-regarded school with a past reputation worth preserving. You can't put the uneducated in charge of educating - it doesn't make any sense. This school has lost sight of it's own identity, and, as a result, has lost touch with it's once exciting spirit.
By Student - 21 May 2023, Rate: bad
Full of emos autistic kids and homos hope everyone dies
By Parent - 16 Mar 2023, Rate: bad
By Student - 07 Mar 2023, Rate: bad
hi there this school does not care about its students well being and health the teachers and year level coordinators dont listen to you they make you feel uncomfortable and not heard
By Parent - 08 Jan 2023, Rate: excellent
I read reviews by 'Karens' (parents) and students who would struggle anywhere and both want to complain - this is a government school that as far as I am concerned has the priorities right - and being a teacher I can wholeheartedly say the teachers are excellent at this school - and what if the school wants to push a good uniform policy and be strict? - if this isn't your thing there are many other options of schools. I think this is a hidden gem and I support a strict 'almost private school' environment. And my girls have met some fabulous smart strong students at this school. Lets push standards up not hang around complaining...
By Student - 27 Feb 2022, Rate: poor
This school isn't that bad but they focus on uniform so much, as well as stress about academics a lot. Us students don't get a lot of support if we have failing academics, instead, we get detentions or even threatened to be expelled. There was a student at MGC (moved to a different public school) that got threatened by a teacher and principal that they'd be expelled because their grades were not good enough for them to be at MGC. This student was a really good friend of mine and hearing this story from them is not the best.
As well as this, our 'Wellbeing' classes are no help at all. We get told 'tell teachers if you are stressed and need help with work', but in reality, most teachers just tell students to suck it up (but more politely). I myself am doing okay in school with good grades (averaging B+ to A+), but I have been told I'm not good enough by teachers and that 'they are disappointed'. Is this how teachers tell students they need to improve now? It's bringing down student morale and mental health!
And do I even have to talk about uniform?? Literally last week I got told off for having my socks rolled up by Mrs O'Connell. No one cares! It's socks?! Students have no freedom with their uniform, as people get told off for wearing too much make-up, or wearing coloured nail-polish. MGC focuses so much on uniform and image, it's very concerning at times.
As well as this, some teachers aren't respectful of students' chosen names and pronouns, with some teachers calling students by their dead names and using wrong pronouns. I have a trans friend who transferred to a different school because a teacher kept on using her dead name. It's not right, especially for a school that expresses it being diverse and respectful.
Some teachers are really nice and respectful, making students respect them back, but other teachers like Mrs O'Connell and Ms Crosswhite are too strict with uniform and academics. Every student learns and expresses themself differently, you cannot expect all the students to be the same.
By Student - 07 Oct 2020, Rate: poor
teachers care about uniform before everything else. there is a slutty culture carried out - yes sometimes girls have their skirts wayyyyy to short, but not all as some girls like their skirts at a length which doesn't feel like a nun (no offense and stuff) so by not having it at knee length we feel more comfortable in our appearance. yet when teachers make comments about how short they are even when they're nowhere near short's length it kinda grosses us out like what made the teachers feel the need to look at our skirts and think to themselves hmmm that's not on your knee therefore it's too short. i've said it before and i'll say it again - i don't want to look like and feel like a nun, i want to feel comfortable in my appearance by making my skirt slightly shorter than what's specified so that i feel proud to wear the uniform
We're made to sit outside in the cold getting sick. when we come inside to warm up we are once again kicked out to freeze to wait for the bell to ring.
the no bin thing is great - except when you buy your food already packaged and there is no point in transferring said food to a reusable container just to show that your "care about the earth". there are no emergency bins to put rubbish in, in case you couldn't avoid it so i've seen heaps of noodle containers and other plastics either being littered or just left in lockers which makes those lockers gross for whoever has to use them
I had a teacher once who, after a test, would send out the class's average, highest and lowest scores then hand out the tests from highest to lowest. this degraded everyone in the class a bit because we could clearly see how well we were doing within the class. previous students warned my friends and i about this teacher and that the school really does nothing about
By Parent - 24 Nov 2019, Rate: excellent
This school is a girls school that has an excellent academic record. It has enrolments from the Richmond area and all over Melbourne . My daughter completed Year 12 and did very well both academically and socially with a very nice group of friends. She is in 2nd Year Engineering and I attribute a great deal of her success to MGC -- I currently have a Year 8 girl at MGC and she too is loving this excellent school
By Parent - 15 May 2019, Rate: poor
teachers at this school have absolutely no respect for students at all! They have quite recently added a classroom in the school which the call "wellbeing" it is meant to be for students who are having trouble with either school or home life. My daughter was having trouble with one of the teachers here at the school, so she had been going to the wellbeing classroom to discuss the problem and see how she could see this through with the teacher and hopefully resolved the issue. Unfortunately her year level leader banned her from going into the wellbeing office completely. She is now not able to talk to or make any interaction with the psychologists at all when she had made such an effort to get to know these teachers and could really trust her with her problems at school and at home. I think it is absolutely discusting that they would ban her from doing something like this especially if she needed this extra help to be able to concentrate on her school work!
By Parent - 15 May 2019, Rate: poor
I do not recommend this school to any families they don't give my child correct uniform and miss crosswhite takes your phone off you and sends messages to ur friends i believe this school should be under investigation it has poor education and the lack teachers put into lessons to make them fun is terrible. I recommend not attending this school unless you want to look like a nun. the school is slut-shaming students and it is terrible. my child has come home crying many many times after school cause she was in the incorrect uniform, even the wrong socks that are expensive and you get a detention like common it's not bloody private
By Student - 26 Jul 2018, Rate: excellent
I have changed so much for the better. With so many choices in electives and VCE subjects, I feel like I have more than enough options and lots to think about. Everybody is so encouraging and kind. I am part of the rowing team, which was one of the best decisions of my life. I have made so many new friends, fell in love with a whole new sport, and been given a boost of confidence I didn’t know I had. I can’t speak for the behaviour of other girls, but my experience has been only positive. I can assure you, that no girls school will be perfect in the way students behave.
By Alumnus - 24 Jan 2018, Rate: average
While there were many opportunities to lead and achieve at MGC (participating in leadership roles and sports teams throughout middle school and senior school), I was disappointed by the quality of staff teaching VCE and the way MGC handled the countless times that I and many others in my cohort were bullied emotionally and socially. My mum approached staff about this and her claims were not taken seriously. I also had an interest in joining the rowing team but at the time was criticised and ostracised by fellow students in my cohort for trying out. I didn't join in the end. The teaching staff in year 12 were under the pump In my year, one teacher took on the role of year 12 coordinator, 3/4 maths methods and 3/4 chemistry. Completely overloaded and it showed in his quality of teaching. Their classes didn't make sense and when I asked for clarification or flexibility in my learning I was met with hostility and threatened with suspension. I was a model student throughout my schooling (not a single detention), so this type of consequence was completely out of line. Having spoken with teachers after graduation, it still remains true that teachers are asked to take on too much without appropriate and timely consideration of their well being. To compensate for poor VCE support, I attended another 2 hours per subject of tutoring outside of school. As a previous comment suggested, if you want to do well at MGC you have to work for it - but don't expect support if you're struggling. Lastly, I agree with a previous comment that the school is very much focused on image and rules rather than student and staff development and progression. If I had children I would not enrol them at this school.
By Parent - 15 Jul 2017, Rate: poor
My daughter's education at MGC continues to be let down by poor staff, poor management and poor decisions. Counselling promised to Year 8s to inform their Yr 9 electives choices was promised, but never given (these choices can have long-term repercussions at MGC); 14 yr olds were shown an 'M' rated film at the beginning of the year which featured prostitution, abuse, depression and suicide; a 'Smiling Minds' in-class wellbeing program was heavily promoted but never delivered to students; dates for upcoming Maths tests are not posted on the digital noticeboard, alongside other due dates, as a matter of policy; a Yr 9 Science text was never assigned (the Principal belatedly suggested a 'non-compulsory' text for further reading); prospective VCE students sat through a troubling account of depression and anorexia by a former graduate at the information night. MGC fails its students in educational care.
By Parent - 21 May 2017, Rate: poor
Melbourne Girls' College used to be such a great school. It only started getting shocking when Ms. Karen Money stepped in as the new principle. MGC now only cares about their uniform rules and the way people see the school rather than education. Some of the girls have their skirts a little above the recommended length and a few teachers said to them that they look slutty. Also my daughter was wearing the correct uniform with a school jumper after school hours and was walking to the tram on the road and a teacher grabbed her and pulled her off to tell her that she couldn't catch the tram unless she put her blazer on. My daughter was hot, and had to wait 10 mins for another tram to arrive. Also they've made each class longer which makes students not work and learn as much because its so overwhelming. Also a lot of the new teachers Karen Money has employed are BAD. Rude, don't care about students, think they're better than everyone. You have to have passion and inspire students. There are many more examples that shows that the school is now a wreck but that would take pages to write it all.
I'm upset to say this all because my other daughter who graduated while Ms. Crowe was the principal had a wonderful high school experience. My other daughter however, has not.
By Parent - 31 May 2016, Rate: poor
Under the new Principal, there is a lot of discontent amongst students. The lessons are so long that very little learning can be effectively achieved in them. The educational standards appear to be very poor in some quarters. One teacher recommended the smoking of joints to students at a Music Camp, in front of their parents. He is still at the school. Students are encouraged to feel pride in their uniform by being offered a lottery ticket worth $5, featuring an image of a hamburger, if they are in correct uniform. The selection criteria is no longer leaderhip potential, but ability in science & technology. MGC is no longer the school it so recently was under its former Principal. A very great shame...
By Student - 04 May 2016, Rate: excellent
This is an amazing school!!!! I highly recommend MGC it is so encouraging and I have learnt so much and have many caring friends. It has heaps of extra curricular activities and everyone is so nice. I'm a year 7 this year and I love it, if you are a parent reading this I highly recommend you to send your daughter here.
By Student - 06 Sep 2015, Rate: excellent
I highly recommend the school. I go to MGC and I'm very happy where I am at and have made a lot of friends. The teachers and staff are really nice and they really encourage you and give you many opportunities for leadership positions.
By Student - 11 Sep 2014, Rate: good
Fantastic everyone is really nice and large variety of classes
By Parent - 12 Aug 2014, Rate: poor
I found this school is tricky while giving admission to year 7. Also they did not provided correct information till the end. Look like this school do not like students from outer suburbs and Asian background.
By Alumnus - 15 Jan 2014, Rate: excellent
So I graduated from Melbourne Girls' College in 2012 and must say that that the six years I spent attending the College were some of the best of my life. Not once did I experience the issue of bullying. As young women, I found we were encouraged to pursue leadership positions and to realise our potential in our abilities to change what is not right. I finished at MGC in the top 7% of the state and every single other girl in my group also achieved a score within the 90's.
Melbourne Girls' College is a school that can and will facilitate eager individuals in the pursuit of academic success. You just have to be ready to work for it, like any other school.
I would definitely send my daughter there if I were given a chance in the future. Now to start studying Law.
I'm , rate this school

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