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| Glen Forrest Primary School, Glen Forrest | | Compare |
School Facts | School sector: | Government | School type: | Primary school | Gender: | Co-Ed | Total student: | 331 (boy:193, girl:138) | Total staff: | 26 | Student attendance: | 93% | |
| None-english student: | 13% | |
| ICSEA value: | | ICSEA distribution: | Bottom quarter | Middle quarters | Top quarter | 25% | 6% | 37% | 31% |
| Website: | | Location: | Glen Forrest | Address: | Tillbrook St, Glen Forrest WA 6071 | Nearby: | House Price House Rent Public Transport | Phone: | 08 9298 8202 |
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School Comment | Glen Forrest Primary School shares with parents in facilitating the academic,cultural, creative, social, physical and attitudinal growth of the children. The school was founded in 1891 and is the centre of a thriving residential area - which is a very cohe... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 450 | 426 | 442 | 439 | 428 | 85 | Year 5 | 511 | 483 | 495 | 521 | 492 | 188 | Year 7 | 553 | 531 | 557 | 531 | 537 | 219 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
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