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| Marist College Ashgrove, Ashgrove | | Compare |
School Facts | School sector: | Non-government | School type: | Combined school | Gender: | Single Sex-Boy | Total student: | 1509 (boy:1509, girl:0) | Total staff: | 123 | Student attendance: | 96% | |
| None-english student: | 5% | |
| ICSEA value: | | ICSEA distribution: | Bottom quarter | Middle quarters | Top quarter | 2% | 8% | 38% | 51% |
| High school rank: | No.58 (2014), No.38 (2013), No.62 (2012), No.59 (2011), No.68 (2010) | Website: | | Location: | Ashgrove | Address: | 142 Frasers Road Ashgrove, QLD 4060 | Nearby: | House Price House Rent Public Transport | Phone: | 07 3858 4555 |
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School Comment | Marist College Ashgrove was founded by the Marist Brothers as a day and boarding College in 1940. As a Catholic school, owned and conducted by the Marist Brothers, the College is maintained through the efforts of the Catholic community whose sons it serves... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 5 | 525 | 475 | 501 | 515 | 522 | 109 | Year 7 | 567 | 556 | 557 | 555 | 576 | 134 | Year 9 | 609 | 580 | 591 | 601 | 615 | 69 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Tuition Fees in 2012 | Year Level | Per Year | Year 5 | $5,550 | Year 6 | $5,550 | Year 7 | $5,550 | Year 8 | $6,920 | Year 9 | $6,920 | Year 10 | $6,920 | Year 11 | $7,800 | Year 12 | $7,800 |
Reviews | By Parent - 05 May 2015, Rate: excellent | I think Marist is a great school and the teachers put in so much effort with the boys. | | By Parent - 12 Aug 2013, Rate: excellent | This is the school gay biy kevin rudd attened | | By Student - 19 Jul 2013, Rate: bad | I am very disappointed in the school and the way it functions. They have no understanding, and acceptance if gays and humafadites. Never go to the school EVER | |
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