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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
Private High School Ranking
ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Albany Hills State School, Albany CreekCompare
School Facts
School sector:Government
School type:Primary school
Total student:767 (boy:408, girl:359)
Total staff:54
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
1058, ranks No.297 More ICSEA Ranking...
ICSEA distribution:
Bottom quarterMiddle quartersTop quarter
Location:Albany Creek
Address:Keong Road Albany Creek QLD 4035
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:07 3264 0777

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School Comment
Albany Hills State School's vision of 'being the best you can be', addresses the need to maximize the outcomes for every student, across the full range of key learning areas. The school continues to maintain an extensive range of extra-curricular activitie... more
Student Assessment
Year 3408403400439413286
Year 5492494473515501203
Year 7549553551550574180
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Parent - 26 Nov 2016, Rate: poor
I am not really happy with the school. A few of the teachers really need to retire, I have spoken to the principal regarding my (and other parents) concerns, and it falls on deaf ears. When I have brought one of my children to class late after an appointment, I have heard a teacher yelling at the children to listen. There was also a teacher who singled out a child and was belittling him in front of the other students.
I don't feel they deal well with "problems" that arise (and I'm not the parent of a "problem child")
I'm , rate this school

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