Gowrie Median PriceHouse | $954,200  | Unit | $783,800  | Search Gowrie sold pricesGowrie Median RentHouse | $710  |
| School Comment | Gowrie Primary School was opened in October 1983. The school is a wonderfully diverse and inclusive community. It caters for students from preschool to year 6 with a total student enrolment consisting of eight mainstream classes plus three Autism specific ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 425 | 393 | 383 | 398 | 388 | 80 | Year 5 | 462 | 456 | 460 | 485 | 481 | 86 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
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