Moorooduc Median PriceHouse | $3,483,300 | Search Moorooduc sold pricesMoorooduc Median RentThe House rent is 22% higher than last year.
| School Comment | The core purpose of Moorooduc Primary School is to provide a comprehensive education for all students enabling them to reach their academic, social and physical potential in order to thrive and contribute to their future world. To this end the school aims ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 427 | 414 | 405 | 417 | 403 | 943 | Year 5 | 517 | 521 | 497 | 519 | 493 | 485 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 12 Feb 2018, Rate: average | Like the previous review my child is in a similiar situation with bullying a major problem in this school. We have dealt with bullying for 5 years and is very hard when vice principle only works part time one of the perks when you are in a relationship with the principle. So getting any action is very hard when the school will not accept bullying is happening. If your child is good at sport and trouble free this school will fit the bill but if your child has learning/social issues do yourself a favour and look at other schools. Wish we would of changed schools after the first year as this school has no idea about autism and does not want to learn even after our psychologist told them the teacher has no control of the class and bullying is rife. | | By Parent - 22 Oct 2016, Rate: average | We were very happy at this school until we encountered a problem. When we complained about a teacher's behaviour, the Vice Principal started harassing and bullying my child. We couldn't complain to the Principal because he is in a relationship with the Vice Principal. We've now completed 3 sessions with a Psychologist to help my child process what was done to him. The Psychologist confirmed the bullying was harmful and I urge any parent who's child experienced teacher/student bullying to see one. Other than this incident the school was good, therefore I would recommend you leave the school before you complain because your child will pay the price. | |
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