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| St Peter's College, Cranbourne | | Compare |
School Facts | School sector: | Non-government | School type: | Secondary school | Gender: | Co-Ed | Total student: | 993 (boy:498, girl:495) | Total staff: | 87 | Student attendance: | 87% | |
| None-english student: | 21% | |
| ICSEA value: | | ICSEA distribution: | Bottom quarter | Middle quarters | Top quarter | 29% | 29% | 33% | 9% |
| VCE rank: | No.271 (2015), No.416 (2014), No.273 (2013), No.386 (2012), No.343 (2011), No.381 (2010), No.445 (2009), No.388 (2008) | Website: | | Location: | Cranbourne | Address: | Cranbourne-Frankston Road Cranbourne VIC 3977 | Nearby: | House Price House Rent Public Transport | Phone: | 03 5996 6733 |
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School Comment | St Peter's College is a Catholic co-educational secondary school that enrols over 950 students from the parish of St Agatha's, Cranbourne. We are a Catholic community of education, faith and service; built on a tradition of placing our trust in God to 'Be ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 7 | 538 | 526 | 537 | 532 | 531 | 292 | Year 9 | 577 | 565 | 585 | 567 | 579 | 279 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
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