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| Northcliffe District High School, Northcliffe | | Compare |
School Comment | Northcliffe District High School is situated in the South West of Western Australia, approximately 400 kms by road from Perth, surrounded by Karri and Marri forest. Northcliffe DHS is a small school, with a student population under 120 and a caring environ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 458 | 388 | 395 | 471 | 414 | 145 | Year 7 | 531 | 522 | 483 | 495 | 507 | 401 | Year 9 | 606 | 575 | 569 | 589 | 608 | 57 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 16 Dec 2014, Rate: excellent | A friendly school community. New children and parents are always made to feel welcome. Specialised programmes can be arranged for gifted and talented students. I have raised 4 children one finished university, another is first year law and two still at Northcliffe. My older two loved school at Northcliffe as do my two young daughters now. | |
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