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| Carey Baptist College, Harrisdale |  | Compare |
School Facts | School sector: | Non-government | School type: | Combined school | Gender: | Co-Ed | Total student: | 1171 (boy:545, girl:626) | Total staff: | 103 | Student attendance: | 94% |  |
| None-english student: | 10% |  |
| ICSEA value: | | ICSEA distribution: | Bottom quarter | Middle quarters | Top quarter | 11% | 19% | 40% | 30% |
| High school rank: | No.66 (2015), No.53 (2014), No.80 (2013), No.69 (2012), No.137 (2011), No.67 (2010), No.43 (2009), No.86 (2008) | Website: | http://www.carey.wa.edu.au | Location: | Harrisdale | Address: | 51 Wright Road Harrisdale, WA 6112 | Nearby: | House Price House Rent Public Transport | Phone: | 08 9394 9111 |
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School Comment | Carey Baptist College was established in 1998 by the Carey Community Baptist Church, to serve families in Perth's south east metropolitan area. A K to 12 co-educational school, Carey has an open enrolment policy with about 1200 students currently enrolled ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 397 | 418 | 420 | 422 | 395 | 237 | Year 5 | 489 | 491 | 489 | 509 | 491 | 231 | Year 7 | 563 | 551 | 541 | 551 | 561 | 149 | Year 9 | 602 | 605 | 600 | 597 | 588 | 39 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
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