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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
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ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
John Purchase Public School, CherrybrookCompare
School Facts
School sector:Government
School type:Primary school
Total student:654 (boy:341, girl:313)
Total staff:28
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
1167, ranks No.159 More ICSEA Ranking...
ICSEA distribution:
Bottom quarterMiddle quartersTop quarter
Address:Purchase Rd, Cherrybrook NSW 2126
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:02 9875 3100

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School Comment
John Purchase Public School, situated in Cherrybrook, provides strong academic foundations and has established an enviable reputation within the community for its quality teaching programs, various performing arts programs, proven, capable teachers and out... more
Student Assessment
Year 3476449480493455133
Year 5542523545545560139
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Alumnus - 07 Oct 2021, Rate: average
I went through Kindergarten to Year 6 and I say the school average, there are a handful of teachers I personally disliked and a few we as a collective disliked. The work is fine but how I feel now is that the curriculum is being handled rather clumsily by the teachers, somewhat lack of organisation in school (Excursion Planning is phenomenal by the staff thank god) and sometimes absent communication between the faculty. They lose incredible teachers that had a bright careers and replaced with newer/younger teachers who a thrown straight into the room.
The Students vary, one classroom could have angels, another complete authority, and another complete chaos which of course reflects the teacher, rooms with angels tend to have a student community of communicators, people who consider it family, the occasional goof ball ect. Complete authority has a dictator like teacher who monitors the class, occasionally leaves while the students talk. Come back and silence, but the class all have a sense of ‘stick together’ where others loosely have. Complete chaos has a young and unaware teacher who lets the students get away with anything (except bullying, harmful behaviour and so on) and the teacher doesn’t really have any control and the students occasionally abuse that.
The vice principal is rather unapproachable and cold, she seems ‘nice’ but when talking to her it feels uneasy, scary even and when asking a question she’s sometimes even rude which is a shame, The principal is just there. Just that, she’ll come out for a stroll and go back to the office, really just there for show and desk work.
(I know there’s a lot but bare in mind)
The year groups ( kindy to Yr 6 ) all relatively stick to themselves, own year groups own friends and community and now and again you’ll see your older or younger sibling watching them talk, play and say hi. BUT THE SCHOOL DISCOURAGES YOU FROM TALKING TO STUDENTS OUTSIDE YOUR YEAR GROUPS!
here’s what I mean, Kindy-2 are zoned to the upper playground with the play equipment. 3-6 are zoned to the Cola (Big metal roof above a huge flat area) and the Oval, half to JPPS, and the other half to CTHS. But all the faculty say to not go to your ‘assigned’ areas of play during recess and lunch, sometimes saying hi will get a shake of the head from a teacher on duty, which is discouraging bonds between separate year groups. I understand this, I can hardly imagine an in-depth conversation between a 12-13 yr old and a 5 yr old. They shouldn’t discourage community and communication because that’s a bad model to younger generations where your told to not talk to the older person, I may forget that the students might be rude to them but there are only a handful of students that would tell a younger kid who they don’t know to shut up.
Finally (I promise) the small group of Bullies. Now I have only encountered a handful, my younger sister on the other hand was punched in the stomach by a student, verbally abused several times and caused her a lot of grief and surprisingly the school did jack shit because the puncher was a ‘special needs’ little twat who ‘didn’t know better’ SO EXPLAIN TO ME HOW HAVING AUTISM OR A SPECIAL NEED PARDONS THEM FOR LITERAL ASSAULT, NOT TO MENTION HALF THE TIME THE SCHOOL DOESN’T TELL THE PARENT. My point: the school is a below average school which thrives of communication suppression, small minorities of bad students and teachers alike and good naplan scores
By Parent - 27 Oct 2020, Rate: bad
I would not recommend anyone sends their children to this school. Unless you are comfortable with bullying, disinterested teachers and a principal that is more interested in wearing silly outfits. The performance of this school is only due to the tiger mums that have their children tutored.
By Student - 19 Jul 2020, Rate: excellent
this is a good school nothing bad exept over/underpriced food
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