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| School Comment | Woodroffe Primary School (WPS) is located in the suburb of Woodroffe in the city of Palmerston. The school has a diverse multicultural student population from P- Year 6. WPS also has a Special Education Unit that caters for children in the Palmerston area ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 369 | 364 | 361 | 368 | 347 | 31 | Year 5 | 456 | 461 | 435 | 460 | 456 | 29 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 22 Feb 2021, Rate: excellent | great school, impressive leadership team in front office. Freshly painted for 2021 school year which looks great. | | By Parent - 25 Aug 2015, Rate: good | Retraction to above review^ Woodroffee Primary is actually in itself, a GREAT school. Most of the staff are caring and tend to each child's individual needs. My previous review was written according to a frustrating circumstance with only a few staff. Before this incident and new turn over in staff my daughter was extremely happy there. | | By Parent - 25 Aug 2015, Rate: bad | What a joke of a school. If anything about my daughters recent experience at this school is that the principal and vice principal need to be sacked. My daughter gets bullied by a teacher so badly she is scared to go to class. In turn she reacts and does something vengeful as any child would. The school say "it did not happen". So kids, the lesson here is, don't bother reporting problems to miss reeves or mr Woodroffe, if they didn't see it happen, it didn't happen. What a wonderful school LOL thank god my eldest daughters teachers at Palmerston middle school actually know how to communicate and listen and investigate matters and only so helpful to partners. Woodroffe needs new principals AMD to kick that Naeema Qadir out on her behind. | |
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