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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
Private High School Ranking
ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Dudley Park Primary School, MandurahCompare
School Facts
School sector:Government
School type:Primary school
Total student:496 (boy:254, girl:242)
Total staff:33
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
871, ranks No.707 More ICSEA Ranking...
Address:Gillark Street Mandurah, WA 6210
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:08 9535 9533
School zone:Download School Zone(Catchment Areas/Local Intake Area) file

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School Comment
Dudley Park Primary School was established in 1976. In 2010, approximately 450 students will be enrolled in the school from K - 7. The school seeks to provide an educational program that caters for a broad spectrum of abilities, needs and interests of stud... more
Student Assessment
Year 3377353355355340508
Year 5436440428418438513
Year 7509511499496504422
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Parent - 09 Jan 2016, Rate: bad
As soon as MY child left this school we had a Giant party
NO More Public schools ever this was the only public scool we ever went to and they hated it
By Student - 09 Jan 2016, Rate: poor
Im an old student and I can say at least 75% of the stuff I was being taught there I already new from my school back in Sydney. But the sad thing is this school isnt handling its income that well because they probaly have the same income as any other school from the goverment and the spend it on freakin Recreation centres when they could be hiring better teaches and beter technology because there computers are like windows 4. Reason to prove my point is when i compared my naplan scores with my friend she had the lowest scores in the WORLD and Grad six spelling was like the word lion and paid!
You are NOT preparing your kids for highschool properly i am not happy with my EXPERIENCE!!!
By Student - 19 Jan 2014, Rate: good
I do miss Singleton Primary School, but at Dudley Park, you feel very at home there. I started here back in, I think, 2008 as a year 2. I see school as a second home in my eyes. Going into Year 7 is going to be very tough, but I hope I can pull through.
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