Broome Median PriceThe House price is 45% higher than last year. Search Broome sold pricesBroome Median RentThe House rent is 18% lower than last year.
| School Comment | Broome is located in the Kimberley region of Australia, 2200kms away from Perth. Students at Broome Primary School reflect the traditional and multicultural aspects of the Broome community as well as the growth associated with agriculture, tourism, the pro... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 341 | 335 | 336 | 320 | 337 | 547 | Year 5 | 448 | 409 | 423 | 411 | 443 | 531 | Year 7 | 478 | 455 | 458 | 449 | 475 | 487 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
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