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St Andrew's Grammar School, Dianella

By Parent - 08 Nov 2023, 评价: 优秀
Primary school is academically really good and some amazing teachers there enriching good discipline and values in kids. However, too much power in the hands of Greek parents (who seem to think that the school is their personal property) influencing everything, ruining a really good school.
By Student - 04 Sep 2023, 评价: 优秀
I think it's extremely good because my brothers who one is in yr 9 and one yr 8 has loved the school for years i am in yr 7 . i was actually scared to leave from yr 6 but i love this school so much its just really good.
By Student - 24 Feb 2023, 评价: 优秀
By Parent - 24 Feb 2023, 评价: 优秀
This is a great school! I have brought 10 of my beloved children to this school and they love it! The school is cheap and has the best teachers ever! My kids came home being great and doing chores and im glad they learnt their lesson or i wouldve given a beating.
By Parent - 06 Nov 2022, 评价: 很差
Horrible school management, high turnover of staff. Last year 17 teachers left. Kids missed out on subject due to unavailability of teachers. Used to be a good school past 2 yrs it's dropped drastically. Do not send ur kids there. All they care is about bums on seats and not your child's Education
By Student - 19 Oct 2022, 评价: 良好
the people writing these OFFENSIVE reviews are out of their minds they dont know what real education is
By Student - 02 Sep 2021, 评价: 很差
The school has been relegated to the lowest division and are unable to win any acc event
By Parent - 24 Aug 2021, 评价: 很差
The school which used to be a somewhat decent school to learn has grown into a horribly run school which proves to be inadequate in allowing the best for students. It is not a stable school environment for learning as those students in need of help are neglected and not focused on.
By Parent - 24 Aug 2021, 评价: 较差
The heads of the school as well as the board are insufficient and controlling behaviour, disguised by the schools kind and manipulative surface. They are desperate for money and therefore makes in-school decisions based on whether it benefits them or not
By Parent - 24 Aug 2021, 评价: 很差
The school is an utter disgrace to humanity, unless you wish to punish your children and scar them for the rest of their lives, rethink going to any other school in the world.
By Parent - 11 Mar 2021, 评价: 优秀
School is AMAMZING, lovely staff, well behaved students lovely community. Would definitely recommend. Small school but better than big-time schools like Chisolm, Chisolm staff are rude and don't care about students. At St Andrews the teachers really care about you and encourage you!
By Parent - 23 May 2019, 评价: 很差
The Hass department has gone bad ever since the new hass teachers came
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