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Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School, Cranbourne

By Parent - 13 Sep 2016, 评价: 优秀
The school in 2016 is excellent. The Principal is very visible at all school events and is hands on. The staff have smiles on their faces. Because of its multi-cultural makeup the children are an example to adults as to how people can mix.
By Parent - 27 May 2016, 评价: 一般
This is still a new school and from first glance alot of reviews are not going to help me make a decision as dont tell me what the school nor teachers are like. Who can shed some light as looking for prep 2017.
By Parent - 17 May 2016, 评价: 优秀
there has been many positive changes to the school . the community is really becoming part of the school . The teachers are fantastic and Lisa is doing a great job. my children are very happy with the school
By Parent - 11 May 2016, 评价: 优秀
You guys don't even know the full story of the muslim thingy it was a old WOMAN for goodness sakes and I think Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is a good school, my girl said her school "Is the best because at sports etc, Hoop Time (basketball) her school won".
Cheryl Irving is kind,nice and awesome!
By Alumnus - 28 Oct 2015, 评价: 很差
I am totally disgusted to see that the Muslims, in fact any one, would be allowed to exit whilst OUR NATIONAL ANTHUM is played. Shame on you Cherly Irving.Why don't you simply leave the school.. This is Australia not some outback overseas country. Wake up woman.Robert Fuller Newcastle. NSW
By Alumnus - 27 Oct 2015, 评价: 很差
Shame on this Principal for contributing to division in the Australian community. And there are those that wonder why Muslims are being singled out. This incident is a good example
By Parent - 27 Oct 2015, 评价: 很差
Letting Muslims decide when they want to disrespect our culture...shame on you for allowing them to walk..shame shame shame...political correctness gone wrong..grow some balls and stand up for OUR culture..not theirs..
By Alumnus - 27 Oct 2015, 评价: 很差
Shame on this Principal for contributing to division in the Australian community. And there are those that wonder why Muslims are being singled out. This incident is a good example
By Alumnus - 25 Oct 2015, 评价: 很差
By Parent - 10 Sep 2015, 评价: 很差
The principal is very rude!There's no communication from the teacher. AVOID THIS SCHOOL!!!
By Parent - 24 Jul 2015, 评价: 优秀
My son goes to this school i have had no issues. The staff are great. After reading some comments i was in two minds about sending my son there but i did and im glad i did.
By Parent - 11 Jun 2015, 评价: 优秀
please someone able to tell me the real pics about this school. I am living to this school and I have planning to enrol my daughter in this please somebody guide me I wanna know the truth
By Parent - 16 Apr 2015, 评价: 一般
Reading the previous comment a parent put up, makes me wonder and makes me feel awkward to enrol my children here. I haven't seen the students comments before that but it makes me wanna find out more about this school. I need as much positive feedbacks for me to enrol my children there so please help :)
By Parent - 07 Aug 2014, 评价: 一般
I'm not sure whether to take these reviews seriously. I'm possibly looking at enrolling my girls to this school, and these comments don't really help. For the "student" that comment above on 27th June 2014, using a whole lot of profanity. The school talks about respecting the rights of others, now you, as a "student", should definitely lead by example and represent the school at your best. Coming on here with your "keyboard warrior" style is not doing the school any favors. If anything this has put a doubt in my mind whether to enroll my girls here. Going by what you have commented, and you as a "student" at the school, I would not want my kids to be exposed to this sort of behavior.
By Student - 29 Jan 2014, 评价: 优秀
Well This Is Excellent and I love It To Much
By Student - 29 Jan 2014, 评价: 优秀
I love love love love love being in this school it's the best, good, excellent school in the world
By Student - 29 Jan 2014, 评价: 优秀
Today I just move in year
By Parent - 27 Jan 2014, 评价: 一般
hmmm I guess all the teachers are nice and respectful to everyone,except one teacher who is a year two teacher.
By Student - 20 Nov 2013, 评价: 优秀
the principal is not rude or rough because ms irving is nice
By Student - 13 Nov 2013, 评价: 优秀
hello students are excellent in Cranbourne Carlisle primary school except Tyson sheen
By Parent - 04 Nov 2013, 评价: 一般
The teachers are alright but the principal can be rude and rough.
By Student - 26 Oct 2013, 评价: 优秀
I love this school it's going to be my school mate
By Parent - 24 Oct 2013, 评价: 优秀
Well this is excellent
By Parent - 16 Jul 2013, 评价: 良好
this is one of the best schools in cranbourne, I think some parents have got personal issues with some of the teachers and it has been ongoing. I will always recommend this school, I have 3 kids there and they are very happy, teachers are very good.
By Parent - 25 May 2013, 评价: 较差
they have a ridiculous bully policy the principal has to be the worst and so very fake, the teachers are rude and of poor quality and they stand high in making extra money for the school making the kids work for it...I was greatly dissapointed and removed my child from the school asap i do not reccomend this school l travel further to protect my child from the bullying and depression,, AVOID THIS SCHOOL THEY HVE ALOT TO LEARN ESPECIALLY PRINCIPAL!!
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