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Nossal High School, Berwick

By Student - 12 Oct 2023, 评价: 优秀
Really good school
By Employee - 22 May 2021, 评价: 优秀
i loved the weed the students sold me. excellent quality 10/10 would work there again. gustav nossal the goat
By Student - 04 Mar 2021, 评价: 很差
not good school
By Parent - 02 Jul 2020, 评价: 优秀
No emphasis on discipline.
By Student - 28 Nov 2018, 评价: 良好
Sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with others as those who were considered “smart” in their old schools are now simply average. Competing against the best of the best can intimidate people however it can also encourage others to do their best. Teachers, although nowhere near the standard of private school teachers are qualified and very approachable. Something which is different to other schools is the diversity of culture you find in Nossal High School. The student-teacher relationship is inspiring and you are never afraid to talk to anybody however there is an expectation that students should teach themselves a lot of the course when it is actually the teachers job. Sometimes they go too fast and don’t cater for students who are falling a little behind so to do well at this school you have to be incredibly intelligent & hard working, barely scraping through the entrance exam means you’ll have a very hard time here. Not enough excursions or camps for the children to enjoy and they do have opportunities for extra-curricular activities but are too occupied with academics that they don’t consider the other things offered.
By Student - 22 Oct 2018, 评价: 一般
A school that has a decent amount of excellent teachers and that has a fair amount of 'new' teachers who find it really hard to accustom themselves to Nossal culture. Some students are highly gifted, while others are 'just average' and a few are at a 'fail grade'. Many students suffer from anxiety and intense stress because of how challenging they make the work. We're not einsteins - we're children who still need to be taught things-not told to go teach ourselves several chapters of Chemistry on our own at home - that's the teacher's job. Self esteem will be absolutely destroyed at this school when it comes to academics. You may have thought you did pretty well at your old school - but come to Nossal to find that there are at least 50 other students 95% better and smarter than you. A change I must say. Teachers try their best I suppose but some could try harder.. Amazing Wellbeing System though I must say - you can count on Sandy and Renee to give you what you're looking for. School facilities are amazing (except the IT department) who think it's fine to take students laptops away to 'repair' for around 5 days only in order for the student to find out the technician couldn't make it on any of the days so you're going to have to leave the laptop at the IT for ANOTHER 5 days. Totally doesn't mess up your studying (sarcasm) considering everything's done on our laptops.
By Student - 30 Jan 2018, 评价: 很差
A highly overrated school, that lacks in reality. Everything is for the show, to uphold the spectacular reputation, of being a high quality selective school. Most of the teachers hired are straight out of university and therefore completely lack the experience needed to teach high achievers properly. Students weekly waste, what could have been valuable learning time, on things like "Nossal Time", which the vast majority of students render useless, to this the teachers and principal simply close their eyes, and continue to enforce wellbeing techniques on students. This doesn't help any of the students who actually need emotional support, but instead wastes the time of those who would rather be learning, a task which is almost forbidden, during the hours of "Nossal Time".
By Student - 19 Jul 2017, 评价: 较差
Some girls think they have the audacity to humiliate others with a lower academic level. All students are here to challenge themselves and gain more knowledge. Not to hurt others mentally.
By Parent - 17 Aug 2016, 评价: 优秀
By Student - 16 Aug 2016, 评价: 优秀
Dude, i would come this school just for the weed. High quality stuff man. Only $20 per 50g
By Parent - 19 Jun 2016, 评价: 优秀
My son is starered year 9 ,very high level of academic standard and found most student find difficulties in following the rigorous work load.
Any how best school in the world as my son attended so many school around the world as I used to work in different countries
By Employee - 30 Apr 2016, 评价: 很差
Most of the staff are very rude. Bullying is very high in this place. No support from the manAgement. Politics are so bad in this school. Not a good place to work!!!
By Parent - 14 Dec 2015, 评价: 优秀
i love it here
By Parent - 16 Nov 2015, 评价: 优秀
I had a opportunity to go for a School tour for my son who selected for next year.School look good.But arrogant and rude reception not even looked my face and not even great me.Compared to my sons private school this school is not so good in terms of principle and reception welcome.
By Parent - 02 Nov 2015, 评价: 很差
Dumb people attend this disgraceful school. My son is not challenged and can sleep in class and still get top marks.
By Student - 09 Oct 2015, 评价: 优秀
fantastic (y)
By Student - 09 Oct 2015, 评价: 一般
some teachers are amazing and friendly and are the best people in life but some other teachers are just so lazy i wish they can try harder because although i had no experience with said lazy teachers they have affected my sister's learning badly and she had to self-teach and because of that i feel very disappointed and frustrated at certain teachers at this school. i have been graced with good teachers but she who is in her final year of school is forced to learn things by herself and tolerate some of her teachers' refusal to help her get 99.95 atar. some teachers should just try to be 'actual teachers', as their standard doesnt even compare to other teachers who will go much out of their way to help students. at certain lazy teachers, please improve yourselves so your students can get high marks. at other teachers, you're doing a great job and i'm very thankful for your passion for teaching
By Student - 08 Sep 2015, 评价: 优秀
Great school 10/10
By Employee - 23 Mar 2015, 评价: 优秀
Dude who r reading dis I has no point of doing thos expect telling yall that most of the bad reviews r probably fake p.s the weed is cheep and if u see the right people ypu can get half price and or regular delivery. ;)
By Employee - 24 Feb 2015, 评价: 优秀
I confiscate weed from the students then smoke it! 11/10 would teach again!! 1!
By Student - 20 Oct 2014, 评价: 优秀
So good! I eat noodle everyday and no one mind because I surrounded with Asian people. They very respectful of my FOB heritage. I like the LaBoob teacher he has nice titties get me very hard very fast. xoxox
By Employee - 18 Sep 2014, 评价: 优秀
fuar weed is so cheap here and the pingers are organic !! 11/10
By Alumnus - 20 Apr 2014, 评价: 较差
i like this school
By Student - 06 Apr 2014, 评价: 很差
A teacher made me pregnant
By Student - 18 Mar 2014, 评价: 一般
The students are great but overestimated sometimes
Some teachers are special and inspiring but the majority is disrespectful to students and refuse to listen to the student's views. Also, they think they're the boss of everything and they're arrogant. I am very disappointed.
Not only that, but they are also lazy and can't teach. But this is only the majority of the teachers and not all, so it's okay :)
By Parent - 18 Mar 2014, 评价: 较差
terrible school
By Parent - 17 Mar 2014, 评价: 很差
By Student - 11 Nov 2013, 评价: 优秀
I'm one of the foundational Nossal year 12s that will be graduating this year. Being a foundational student, I was there when the school wasn't even built, so I've seen the school from the very start, and I have had some unique experiences of being school in the neighbouring monash Uni until at least term 2. What I can say is, Nossal is very culturally diverse unlike my previous school and students often talk to the teachers in our spare time. There is an enormous amount of trust between the principal, teachers and students that you wouldn't find in many schools, so much that for the year 12s, to trust us to have a coloured powder fight on the oval and not get the rest of the school messy. We have quite a strong team of teachers who respond well to student feedback and are prepared to take many firsts- the student microwaves for lunch and recess, the breakfast program etc. I suggest though, for any parent or student considering to come to this school to consider the transport options and perhaps learn to drive, so by the time they are in year 12 it will be convenient for them to drive to school.
By Parent - 18 Sep 2013, 评价: 优秀
excellent school .my boy love it .a lot of students travel far to come to the school . they prond of their school .we thanks for the principal and all the teachers and students already work very hard .becauce this school is all try very hard to make the school to be better it is not easy ,well done
By Parent - 15 Aug 2013, 评价: 优秀
Seems good
By Parent - 16 Jul 2013, 评价: 优秀
A excellent school. The principal is very keen about the school. Students are smart and friendly. The learning environment is excellent. Everyone knows everyone and are supportive.
Teachers are very open with students and they would help and support everyone to do their best. Nossal High school is wonderful school unlike many public schools.
By Student - 15 May 2013, 评价: 优秀
I love nossal!!! This information is kind of old though. The teachers are encouraging and help us strive for our best.
Watch out Macrob!!!
By Parent - 07 Aug 2012, 评价: 良好
A good school. Headmaster is very friendly & approachable. Students are smart and keen. No bullying issue here and the community atmosphere is great. Everyone knows everyone and are supportive.
Teachers wise-- some are great some are not too great like other public school. If you live near Berwick and was in a public school and you love learning, then this is a great school!
By Alumnus - 18 Jul 2012, 评价: 良好
ChrisThat is what the rate was in my day' at most schools.I don't know what the curnret rate is.And yes its a huge organizational loss.At my last school the senior staff started discussing an issue at a weekly meeting and one member complained saying we had been there done that last year lets not do it again.So we did a count.5 of the 20 plus people had been there the previous year.3 of the people sitting around the tables for the meeting had been in the school longer than 3 years [2 for more than a decade each, so 'averages' can be misleading].At the end of that year 13 of the senior staff moved [8 took packages]. Most senior staff moved.Reasons for a high turnover?Retirements, transfers in and out, promotions elsewhere, death, changed family circumstances [often code for divorce, teachers have a high divorce rate, but also often one spouse moving and the other following], roll over of casual/relieving/contract staff, resignations, and back then, packages.Teachers are, or were in my day' a very mobile mob.I would be curious as to what the mobility rate is today.And the only meaningful way to measure it is to find out at your local school how many were there, say, 3 years ago.If its anywhere near what it was in my day' then it buggers up the concept of long range planning [3 years or more] etc for improved performance [whatever that means].Any curnret teachers want to chime in?
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