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| Highgate Primary School, Highgate | | 对比 |
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学校简介 | Highgate Primary School has been selected as an Independent Public School, acknowledging its innovation, excellence and status in Western Australian education. It was established in 1895 and holds Heritage status. It acknowledges its tradition and has a pr... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 439 | 428 | 463 | 441 | 431 | 76 | 5年级 | 529 | 511 | 510 | 525 | 525 | 78 | 7年级 | 583 | 587 | 581 | 576 | 603 | 28 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
| 放大地图 | 街景 |