Glenelg 平均房价House 价格比去年上升21% . 搜索 Glenelg 地区房价Glenelg 租金均价Unit租金比去年上升11% .
| St Peter's Woodlands Grammar School, Glenelg |  | 对比 |
学校概况 | 学校类别: | 私立 | 学校类型: | Primary学校 | 性别: | 男女同校 | 学生总数: | 646 (男生:332, 女生:314) | 教工人数: | 44 | 学生出勤率: | 95% |  |
| 非英语学生: | 6% |  |
| ICSEA分数: | | ICSEA分布: | 差(后25%) | 中等 | 优秀(前25%) | 4% | 7% | 42% | 47% |
| 学校网站: | | 位置: | Glenelg | 地址: | 39 Partridge St Glenelg SA 5045 | 周边: | 房价 租金 公共交通 | 电话: | 08 8295 4317 |
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学校简介 | St Peters Woodlands Grammar School is a dynamic, independent, Early Learning to Year 7 co-educational Primary School. The current total enrolment of 804 students includes 643 students from Reception to Year 7, and 161 in The Pines Early Learning and Care C... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 461 | 429 | 432 | 461 | 429 | 39 | 5年级 | 500 | 485 | 478 | 510 | 491 | 145 | 7年级 | 578 | 565 | 556 | 566 | 595 | 34 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
评论 | By Parent - 23 Aug 2012, 评价: 良好 | My daughter is in grade 4 at St Peters Woodlands. This is a 'safe' school and struggles with students who are outside of this square, that is; students who have learning difficulties or who are academically bright. We were forced to hire a tutor on top of what is essentially a very expensive school because the school failed to help our daughter. Frustratingly the Headmaster is Utopian - "we are all happy here at St Peters Woodlands". They do have a Boost programme which is spasmodic and, for our daughter at least, failed to follow up on any requests. In our experience we have had to fight - phone calls, meetings - to get anywhere. There is another thing to consider - when they reach grade three the classes drop from four to three which means that the number of students per class dramatically rises. My daughters class this year has 29 students, my niece in a public school has 28. If your son/daughter has any problem this is a real issue. They disguise all of these issues by beautifully manicured grounds. For almost seven thousand dollars a year you would expect a lot more from this school | |
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