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| Ormiston State School, Ormiston | | 对比 |
学校概况 | 学校类别: | 公立 | 学校类型: | Primary学校 | 性别: | 男女同校 | 学生总数: | 500 (男生:259, 女生:241) | 教工人数: | 35 | 学生出勤率: | 94% | |
| 非英语学生: | 5% | |
| ICSEA分数: | | ICSEA分布: | 差(后25%) | 中等 | 优秀(前25%) | 19% | 27% | 33% | 21% |
| 学校网站: | http://www.ormistonss.eq.edu.au | 位置: | Ormiston | 地址: | 82-110 Gordon Street Ormiston, QLD 4160 | 周边: | 房价 租金 公共交通 | 电话: | 07 3824 9111 |
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学校简介 | Established in 1872, Ormiston State School is situated in Redland City in close proximity to Moreton Bay approximately 30 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD. Over the past 132 years, Ormiston State School has grown from being a small country school serving t... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 422 | 404 | 400 | 420 | 403 | 316 | 5年级 | 484 | 475 | 456 | 491 | 482 | 417 | 7年级 | 556 | 562 | 543 | 553 | 547 | 216 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
评论 | By Parent - 17 May 2018, 评价: 较差 | Very disappointed with the management. Poor communication with parrents. Not dealing with issues. Heavily focused on academic performance but forgetting about happiness of children. | | By Parent - 09 May 2018, 评价: 一般 | Some good teachers, great music and athletic program. Unfortunately poor management. Dismissive, treats parents like they are nuisance. Mentality of being unteachable. Main focus is NAPLAN and testing, look good on the paper. Continuously reminding kids to follow their TOPS rules while main management has no idea what that means. | |
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