East Ipswich 平均房价House 价格比去年上升18% . 搜索 East Ipswich 地区房价East Ipswich 租金均价House租金比去年下降1% .
| Ipswich Girls' Grammar School, East Ipswich | | 对比 |
学校概况 | 学校类别: | 私立 | 学校类型: | Combined学校 | 性别: | 男女同校 | 学生总数: | 865 (男生:16, 女生:849) | 教工人数: | 74 | 学生出勤率: | 96% | |
| 非英语学生: | 12% | |
| ICSEA分数: | | ICSEA分布: | 差(后25%) | 中等 | 优秀(前25%) | 14% | 31% | 26% | 30% |
| 高中排名: | No.13 (2014), No.55 (2013), No.66 (2012), No.171 (2011), No.108 (2010), No.108 (2009) | 学校网站: | http://www.iggs.qld.edu.au | 位置: | East Ipswich | 地址: | Queen Victoria Parade, East Ipswich | 周边: | 房价 租金 公共交通 |
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学校简介 | Ipswich Girls Grammar School, including the co-educational Ipswich Junior Grammar School, is one of the eight original Queensland Grammar Schools, a unique body of schools in Australia. The School provides independent, non-denominational education for girl... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 428 | 434 | 434 | 439 | 391 | 175 | 5年级 | 486 | 482 | 481 | 502 | 481 | 290 | 7年级 | 562 | 581 | 544 | 551 | 564 | 151 | 9年级 | 620 | 611 | 612 | 614 | 624 | 30 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
2012年学费 | 年级 | 每年学费 | 1年级 | $7,420 | 2年级 | $7,420 | 3年级 | $7,420 | 4年级 | $7,420 | 5年级 | $7,420 | 6年级 | $7,738 | 7年级 | $7,738 | 8年级 | $13,198 | 9年级 | $13,198 | 10年级 | $13,198 | 11年级 | $13,198 | 12年级 | $13,198 |
评论 | By Student - 24 Nov 2021, 评价: 很差 | there was only a couple of teachers who really bothered. Theyre happy to take (A LOT OF) your money but i never really saw the costs equating to better education opportunities. We had special guests etc which held the "elite" image but our technology was not advanced and for camps, trips etc there was additional fees still. theres a lot of parents who have connections to staff and the students of those parents get a huge advantage and a lot of special treatment. If you struggle or don't meet the standard in anyway youre seen as an issue and theres no attempt to help, just annoyance directed at you. don't fall for their "inclusive" marketing, if youre in a minority group in any form, you will feel outcast. Theyll put you in the photos but behind the scenes youre treated as a freak and a burden if i'm completely transparent about it. i personally had a lot of mental health issues going on and none of the staff had any idea of how to assist me and didn't bother to try and learn. i was met with hostility for struggling which only made things worse and i ended up dropping out. if someone would had taken the time to actually help me i wonder how differently my life could've turned out. i was a vulnerable teen but to this school i was just a black sheep. | | By Student - 30 Jan 2020, 评价: 优秀 | It has great opportunities for us and is great for us to thrive with knowledge | | By Parent - 27 Nov 2019, 评价: 优秀 | I love this school. I love how much my daughters thrive in this environment and that they can try anything. I love how much the teachers love and support the students, and how much the girls love and support each other. I am dismayed by the comments I have just read, but I do know that some people need to blame someone when their own deficient parenting producers a deficient human being - at least in their eyes. This is a great place and I thoroughly recommend it. | | >>更多评论... |
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