Orelia 平均房价House 价格比去年上升38% . 搜索 Orelia 地区房价Orelia 租金均价House租金比去年上升19% .
| Gilmore College, Orelia | | 对比 |
学校概况 | 学校类别: | 公立 | 学校类型: | Combined学校 | 性别: | 男女同校 | 学生总数: | 895 (男生:464, 女生:431) | 教工人数: | 79 | 学生出勤率: | 84% | |
| 非英语学生: | 13% | |
| ICSEA分数: | | ICSEA分布: | 差(后25%) | 中等 | 优秀(前25%) | 55% | 17% | 22% | 7% |
| 高中排名: | No.125 (2011), No.57 (2010), No.130 (2009) | 学校网站: | http://www.det.wa.edu.au | 位置: | Orelia | 地址: | Gillmore College, Gilmore Ave, Medina WA 6167 | 周边: | 房价 租金 公共交通 |
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学校简介 | Gilmore College is a state of the art high school, custom built to cater for the changing educational needs of adolescent learners. The College is comprised of a Middle School for students in years seven to nine and a Senior School for students in years te... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 7年级 | 480 | 459 | 480 | 462 | 472 | 484 | 9年级 | 525 | 499 | 532 | 517 | 524 | 189 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
评论 | By Employee - 16 May 2023, 评价: 很差 | DONT LOOK AT THE LIZARD IN THE EYE, YOU WILL WAKE UP WITH A SORE ASS AND NO MORE PANTS. | | By Student - 08 Nov 2022, 评价: 很差 | As a student attending this school for 3 years I have many opinions about the school itself. Many fights occur in the school and kids(7-12) Vape most students can't even learn with a difficult learning environment engulfing the school grounds. The teachers are always strict and get boring after year 9. I got a freaking phone violation just for my phone. The education level at this school I'll give 1/10 education level, below average. | | By Student - 15 Jun 2022, 评价: 很差 | The school allowed a dude to have a knife in a classroom and almost stab a girl there's been 7 fights and 2 lock downs in a day before many fights Also kids vape all through 7-12 | | >>更多评论... |
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