Northam 平均房价House 价格比去年上升10% . 搜索 Northam 地区房价Northam 租金均价House租金比去年上升24% .
| Northam Primary School, Northam | | 对比 |
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学校简介 | Northam Primary is one of three public primary schools in the town of Northam, 100kms east of Perth. The two storey design and limited playground presents challenges for some educational activities. Nearby is an offsite kindergarten. The student population... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 378 | 414 | 388 | 396 | 376 | 366 | 5年级 | 462 | 465 | 450 | 475 | 462 | 420 | 7年级 | 513 | 499 | 502 | 481 | 522 | 422 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
| 放大地图 | 街景 |