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Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School, North Turramurra

By Parent - 2023年10月05日, 評價: 優秀
Both my kids have loved it there. Both working part time and both at uni. Both well adjusted. I think the school did a great job. Nothing in this world is perfect / but I have no complaints about their time at khs.
By Student - 2023年07月10日, 評價: 一般
During my time as a student at KHS I got bullied quite a bit and I reported it to the teachers and the deputy and principal and the year advisor.
They informed me that they would "try to sort out the bullying" I ended up writing Formal letter and getting my first bully delt with then in 2021 I got bullied again and I did the same process as last time and nothing happened
Then I got punched in the face and once again reported it which led to nothing being done no asking of students nor peer.
By Student - 2023年04月27日, 評價: 很差
Terrible i hate this place becuase of bullying
By Parent - 2022年11月18日, 評價: 一般
Lots of bullying happening. Not sure why
By Student - 2022年11月06日, 評價: 很差
I haven’t seen any recent student reviews. So here I am. The hallways are stingey and dark, on the websites and stuff they only show the new renovated rooms and the new hall. Most of the good teachers have left so we are stuck with the bad ones, once going through 4 Spanish teachers in a year, one got fired because they told a student to commit. About half the students vape, and a good amount are homophobic and stuff like that, though I haven’t heard anything of direct bullying except for this one kid. The recent uniform complications have been awful, forcing us to buy new overpriced clothes even if we are poor and we get in trouble to wear something similar to the school uniforms, if not they put us in detention. I know I rated this bad and it is bad but I’m staying because I don’t want to go through the trouble of going to a new school and making new friends because I managed to get in a good group of friends. Also the outdoor spaces are crowded and there is almost nowhere to sit, making it very crowded and we are forced to stay outside at lunch and recess even if it is violently raining and windy, there is a nice open place near the back of the school that is such a nice place to sit but it is out of bounds, only for show. Our principal keeps leaving on very long holidays leaving us with a slightly worse person in charge for very long periods of time, is she even the principal anymore? We pay for overpriced lunches and uniforms and she uses it for holidays.
That’s the end of my rant. There might be more to complain about but it’s not in the front of my mind rn.
By Parent - 2022年03月17日, 評價: 很差
This school is horrid students bullied often and some even leave school grounds just yesterday 2 students went missing and took staff over an hour to find them.
By Parent - 2017年05月25日, 評價: 優秀
A great school. The principal is warm and caring about with the students. It is a small school, which makes it more of a community, friendly place than the huge Turramurra high school. Beautiful grounds. I've never seen students sitting on the floor.
By Parent - 2016年02月11日, 評價: 較差
A horrible place for children to learn. The most bullying of any school I have ever heard of.
By Student - 2015年06月18日, 評價: 一般
School is over crowded, some kids have to sit on the floor in class because there are not enough seats but great students and SOME good teachers
By Parent - 2015年06月18日, 評價: 良好
Although the school does not focus on education and are low on staff the students at the school are impeccable! Well mannered, friendly and kind.
By Student - 2015年06月19日, 評價: 優秀
I love it here!
By Student - 2015年06月18日, 評價: 很差
This school has low education standards, no respect or care for the wellbeing of students and bad priorities. Kuringgai high school says they can afford text books yet they can easily throw a 50th anniversary for the school complete with food for all the students, extra food for teachers and guests, the outside stairs to be pressure cleaned and painted and free pens But they can afford text books for students... Not an impressive school.
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