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Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College, North Sydney

By Parent - 2023年06月30日, 評價: 優秀
One parent in this review column has mentioned that those who have made negative reviews of Monte sant Angelo are not game to reveal their names. Therefore these negative reviews mean nothing
These negative reviews are indeed very very truthful
My name is Penelope Shimizu née Langhorn graduate of 1977
I have no problem at all in warning unsuspecting parents who might be considering putting their daughters into Monte
To think again before doing so
This school is completely unsavory
By Alumnus - 2023年05月31日, 評價: 優秀
I am an alumnus and am shocked by these negative review, they are completely at odds with my own positive experience at Monte. I can understand that people with negative experiences are more motivated to leave a review so I'll take that with a grain of salt...
The school had great facilities, experiences and culture on offer when I attended, and I am still good friends with some of my classmates today. I think Monte gave me an excellent start in life and helped me become a lifelong learner.
By Parent - 2022年12月05日, 評價: 優秀
None of these reviewers are game to show their real names. So most of these mean nothing
By Parent - 2022年10月17日, 評價: 優秀
This school is thriving! Although they do base everything around mercy, the core values are excellent. My daughter loves it there and has made s many friends! The staff are so welcoming and truly care about their student's wellbeing. Everyone's experience of monte is different. But my daughter is loving it. I think there is too much involvement in mercy and that perhaps they get too much work, but overall, it is a lovely school that I would recommend to you.
By Alumnus - 2022年05月29日, 評價: 優秀
Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College is an amazing school! I am still friends to this day with my former year 7 classmates! The education is excellent, and everyone was so kind and welcoming. If you choose to send your daughter here, I can assure you that the school will ensure her happiness and support! The school is full of positive motivation and has amazing mercy values. Monte Sant Angelo really is an amazing and beautiful school.
By Student - 2021年10月21日, 評價: 優秀
i go here and i love it so much
By Parent - 2021年09月28日, 評價: 優秀
I was a Monte graduate in 1977
Unfortunately I did not feel a sense of accomplishment upon graduation
The school fell way short of the mark Not many teachers really cared or believed in their students
At the time Kathleen Gilchrist was the principal. She was a horrible woman who actually encouraged girls to quit school during their final year She was a great disappointment to all concerned And her rudeness was outstanding
It’s shocking to think that parents were paying dearly for their daughters education
Shame on you Kathleen Gilchrist For your ugly actions that caused much unhappiness to many girls
I would never recommend Monte to anyone
This school appears to have a history of having a very unsavory reputation sadly to say
By Parent - 2020年12月18日, 評價: 很差
Disgusting Awful and down right appalling! NEVER send your gorgeous daughters to Monte. My daughter was bullied, abused by Teachers and treated so badly. The mental health of these poor girls is neglected, the school turn a blind eye to it and sweep it under the carpet. Monte is “all show no go”. The Teachers and School Board are so FAKE and just money hungry grubs. The education is very poor and the attention to students is NIL. My daughter and her friends all struggled in one way or another, this was brought to the attention of the School BUT they didn’t want to know about it. I was so glad to see the back of Monte when we finally left that awful negative school, I’m shocked that this is still going on. So many parents & students are disappointed with the School and need to voice their opinion so no one else has to go through the heartache we had.
By Student - 2020年12月08日, 評價: 很差
This school is the worst it destroyed me. The principal Mrs Christenson does not do her job, she is useless and makes the girls at the school hate their life. I don’t know how I’m even alive after having to go to this school.
By Student - 2020年12月08日, 評價: 很差
This school is the worst it destroyed me. The principal Mrs Christenson does not do her job, she is useless and makes the girls at the school hate their life. I don’t know how I’m even alive after having to go to this school.
By Student - 2020年12月03日, 評價: 很差
worst school ever glad i left especially after teachers yelling at students and telling them to leave and move schools as i was seen as “not wanted” the teachers are that fake including the principal, step up your game. Maybe get a lie detector and do that on the people you employ so there is no more lying with the rude and abuse that is said and done to the students it is beyond awful!! Don’t put your daughter through this i highly recommend another school
By Alumnus - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 優秀
this school ruined me. there was an excessive amount of assessments that had no correlation to life and caused unnessecary stress and fear.the shear amount of pain that many students wen through when completing their education here is sickening. I have never seen such stress and tension in my life. iT honestly felt like a never ending cycle. It was so emotionally and mentally draining I would go home and cry each night because I felt helpless and scared. Don't recommend this school, it follows a stupid system that nobody can understand and it does not let students reach their full potential.
By Student - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 優秀
They give us way to much work and talk about mercy to much like nit everything has to evolve around mercy
By Student - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 較差
I'm a student here at monte and have found that the amount of useless work we are set and pressured to do well in, is ridiculous. The IB marking system from year 7 is damaging and I would spend hours and hours on an assignment to be disappointed with my marks and not helped, but been ridiculed by teacher even though it is their job to encourage me and make me do well.
By Alumnus - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 很差
I graduated from this school in 2014 and found the culture and environment absolutely shocking. There was a lack of care for the students as only a few of the teachers had permanent positions in the staff role. When i attended monte i found that there was so much pressure on the students to complete the insane amount of work that created pressure for the girls there. None of which has helped me through my years as a young adult. I found this school useless, and many people struggling with mental health issues were not supported at all. Simply ignored by the teachers. Very bad school.
By Student - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 很差
This school is an unsafe environment for the girls that have payed $20,060 in order to attend it. Many girls are struggling with prominent mental health issues that are visible to the teachers, but are not addressed. I feel like there is a lack of responsibility showed by the teachers towards the students wellbeing. The reputation of the school is protected by a group of staff that could not care less about the students wellbeing and mental health. There are only two councillors in the school to support 1,000 girls. This school is extremely damaging towards children's mental health, i feel unimportant and not noticed in the environment that is supposed to be a safe space for the girls to learn. I'm currently writing this in class, with an absent teacher as the class is left alone to complete our own learning. This shows the little care and respect the teachers have for the students.
By Student - 2020年10月15日, 評價: 較差
The school only cares about their reputation and not the girls health. Counselling services provide the bear minimum. Teachers are always being replaced from their failing classes. As you walk around at recess and lunch all the girls are sat on their phones as there is little to do and become bored and bitch about each other. This school is known to be kind and caring towards each other when it is completely the opposite with teachers not respecting the girls and not treating them equally. It is an extremely negative environment with girls forming mental illness' which are extremely noticeable but nothing is done about it.
By Parent - 2020年08月28日, 評價: 優秀
My daughter has started year 7 this year and so we are happy with the school.
By Parent - 2020年08月02日, 評價: 很差
Trust me don’t send your daughter to this school. The teachers treat the students with no respect such as calling them names and denying it when they get caught out. It is not worth it for your daughters mental health the school only cares about their reputation and not about the students. Don’t waste your money sending them here!! Every problem raised with the school is turned around and blamed on the students
By Parent - 2019年11月28日, 評價: 較差
Hello I am parent of of a daughter who is currently at Monte.
I am very disappointed with the school. It is not a school for the "average "girl. It weeds out the academic girls very early on and focuses on this group. There is a large use of relief teachers at this school and they don't really seem to care as they are only there for a short time.
I will not be sending my other daughter to this school.
If you raise a concern with the school it is always turned around to be the girls problem and never the teachers or schools issue.
By Parent - 2019年11月05日, 評價: 較差
Due to a serious illness my daughter missed a lot of the start of year 7. She had no idea what was going on when she returned to school and was told by her teacher to ask her friends. She had not yet made any real friends and the girls she did ask gave her the eye roll and told her to figure it out herself. Further bullying occurred and the school gave the bully counselling and told me ‘it’s hard because we’re concerned for the bully’s mental health’. Needless to say the bullying continued and they wanted my daughter to learn resilience. The school is great for thriving girls but seems incapable of dealing with issues and bullying. The school needs a better understanding of what mean girls are capable of.
By Parent - 2018年06月17日, 評價: 較差
i was a past parent at monte. My daughter Matilda went there throughout year 7 and 8 and got severely bullied. She is currently at willoughby girls high school and find it much more content. Paying money for education is not always the answer
By Student - 2018年03月18日, 評價: 優秀
Monte is a school that gives great opportunities to all students, such as sport, debating, music and much more. This year (2018) monte is putting on an amazing production 'High School Musical the Musical'. Hope you can come and watch!
By Parent - 2016年09月22日, 評價: 優秀
My daughter started in year 7 and has just graduated year 12. This school is excellent. It has a great academic program, plenty of sport and and encourages all girls in whatever area they try. The girls are great, and I can say, my daughter has arrived at the end of her schooling with all the mercy values that the school embodies, and I am very proud of the beautiful well rounded daughter who has the world at her feet and the confidence in going forward. Thank you Monte.
By Parent - 2015年09月13日, 評價: 優秀
hello i am a parent and my daughter is currently in year seven at monte. really enjoying her year! beautiful school environment.
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